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Join a Team and help out


Supporting the Church
Area of Service - this list gives some indication of ways that you might be able to help out in some way in our two parishes.
As the advert says: "every little bit (of help) helps"
Various actions. NB They might be listed in different areas.
Person(s) who might be contacted re the action or who presently undertake it.



Serving: Serving at the altar


Chalice Assistance

Fr. Edward

Helping/ Organising setting up church for services

Fr. Edward, Sally and Nick (Presentation), Tim (Director of Music), Gloria and Bernadette (Church Wardens)

Helping Sacristan

Jeanette and Arthur

Support/helping at special services eg Harvest, Christingle, Nativity

Church Wardens

Choir membership

Tim (Director of Music)

Reading and Rotas

Church Wardens

Preparing intercessions

Church Wardens

Side persons' duties


Welcoming visitors

Gloria and Bernadette, Existing Side persons, Fr. Edward, Fr. Mike

Supporting new members

Fr. Edward, Existing Sides persons

Marriage support

Fr. Edward

Funeral support

Fr. Edward

Christening support

Fr. Edward, Church Wardens

Supporting at All-Age Worship services

Fr. Edward, Church Wardens

Flower Team

Gloria, Diana

Bell ringing


Administration (inc interest in joining the PCC):

Karen (Church Secretary)

Financial, administration and management

Karen and Ian (Treasurer)

Representing church eg Deanery Synod

Fr Edward and Ian

Managing Website, Facebook, Twitter and other social media

Derek, Jon and Helen, Melvyn

Fund raising including Christmas Fair

Laura, PCC

Publicity and notice boards

Melvyn and Derek

Managing Planned Giving

Karen (NB Confidential)

Churches and Halls (Fabric)

Gloria and PCC


Supporting charity activities eg FSW, Food Bank, Luncheon Club, Coffee Stop support
Fr. Edward, Church Wardens and volunteers, and Bernadette

Linking with school including school governor responsibilities

Jill, Margaret, Ralph, Jon, Ian, Fr. Edward

Link with other local groups eg Family Support Work, Rotary, Lions, Dementia Cafe

Derek, Fr. Edward, Church Wardens, Bernadette

Archive and links with local government

Peter, Fr. Edward, Church Wardens 


Andrew, Tim

Halls bookings and local church group usage


Messy Church

Fr. Edward, Church Wardens

Women’s Fellowship


Coffee Stop


Refreshments before/after services


 Building and grounds:
Grounds maintenance (including flower beds, litter picking etc)


Hall Maintenance

Karen & Church Wardens


Health and Safety including Fire and other Risk Assessments and First Aid

Church Wardens

Church cleaning - regular and special eg Spring Clean



Church Family:
Visiting the sick and infirm

Fr. Edward 

Ecumenism/ Churches Together

Fr. Edward



Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor,
we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.

Click here to see more.

Planning your Visit

A Warm Hello 


The following information is specifically for those planning a visit or are new to our churches, so that you know, beforehand, what to expect on a Sunday morning.


When we meet in St. Wilfrid's Church (in Church Road by the Marks and Spencer Car Park) our Sunday Sung Eucharist Service starts at 9:30am. This is usually followed by coffee/tea that is served in the church, after the service. Please do come and have a chat with us and get to know us but be assured,  no one will pressure to join us if you do not want to.


The Presentation Church, (in New England Road)  Congregation starts to meet together at 10.15am, on Sundays, for refreshments and then make their way into the church for their Sunday Eucharist Services. These are usually led by our priests, Fr Edward or Fr Mike,  but sometimes visiting priests will be present. A special regular visiting priest is Fr John Twisleton a local author who live very close to the church.


If you are a visitor to either church do make yourself known. And, if you have any questions please do ask the Clergy, sidespeople or the Wardens.

Accessibility: There is wheelchair access, and a sound loop for anyone who needs it. Please let one of the Welcome Team know on your arrival and they will help you to get set up. There are disabled toilets in the Presentation Church and in the St Wilfrid's Centenary Hall.

Our Services



Most of our services, with the exception of the second Sunday Evensong (6.00pm in St. Wilfrid's Church) and our monthly Taizé service (8.00pm third Wednesday) are Eucharistic. That includes our weekly 12.00 noon service in St. Wilfrid's. This means that the congregation is able to share in the bread and wine that become to us the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Generally, we follow traditional patterns of Anglican Worship that are resourced from "Common Worship", augmented with various seasonal material.

We use the traditional Book of Common Prayer (BCP) at St Wilfrid’s Church when we celebrate Said Holy Communion (Eucharist) at 8.00am on the first Sunday of the month, and Choral Evensong at 6.00pm on the second Sunday of the month. 

St. Wilfrid's has a tradition for music and our hymns led and supported by our excellent choir and the famous Tickell organ. The Presentation singing is usually supported electronically.

The +Blessed Sacrement is reserved in both churches.


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Children are welcome. We were all children once so do not worry if they do not behave like the little angels that we hope they are.


Getting Connected


Small Groups


These are advertised - for example before Advent and Lent

Serving and Volunteering

If you want to get involved in the life of the church and help us make Sundays run smoothly, you can sign up to serve on a team. 

Other Ministries

We also support the following ministries:

  • Men's Ministries

  • Women's Ministries

  • Foodbank

  • Messy Church for our younger friends

Get in touch with us to plan your visit
If you would like to come and visit the church beforehand you are more than welcome! Get in touch and we can arrange a time that suits you.


Father-Edward-Pritchett-Aug-20   Mike-Clark-2-DSC 2278-300x300
Father Edward   Father Mike
Fr Edward is our Parish Priest   Fr Mike assists in the Parish.

We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.