The Rector writes
Dear sisters and brothers,
Since 1908 the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has been observed between 18 January
and 25 January, and during these days we are called to pray, as Jesus did on the night
before his passion, 'that they may be all be one', (John 17.21), to be one in our mission, our
work, our worship, and in our faith. It is a call for us to reflect the unity we have as the
Body of Christ into the world.
This Sunday our gospel reading is the wedding feast of Cana, when God in the person of Jesus shows us the abundant goodness of creation by turning water into wine, providing for all who had been invited to the wedding feast. We too are invited to join in the eternal celebration of heaven, where there is no division, but life everlasting.
As we pray and seek unity within the Church this coming week, and as we hear of the abundance of God, may we too be abundant in our welcome and hospitality with one another, so we too can echo the abundance of God in our lives. But above all, seek the unity which God desires us to have with one another, and pray that we may be one.
With all blessings,
Fr Edward